Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Very First Beginning

Bonjour, tout le monde!

Here I am, at the very beginning of the very first entry in this blog. Some would say that this is the place and time to tell you, the ( as yet hypothetical ) reader, about myself: who I am, my goals in life, my every habit and idiosyncrasy. However, I choose to disregard the mumbling masses on this point, because this writing is not about me, per se. This publication's purpose is to explain my thoughts as a modern thinker in an ever- expanding universe; to organize them for later examination, for review by any readers who might choose to do so, for discussion and refinement, and possibly for refutation, where necessary.

I am looking for readers: readers who think and rethink, guess and second guess, and take the entire world with a grain of salt. I want a forum of philosophers, scientists, Cartesians, solipsists, writers (I welcome criticism), skeptics, and people who are simply perplexed with the world of thought and are looking for order in the chaos of existence. If there comes to be a time at which I find myself with readers such as these, I would like nothing more for people to present counter-arguments to my musings. There's nothing quite like playing Tug-of-War with oneself, especially on issues such as the ones I intend to bring to the proverbial table. They will be varied and, hopefully, many.


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