Friday, December 4, 2009

This Could Get MAD Interesting... Guest-Starring AJ


Ok, so there is this concept I was introduced to a few weeks ago that really caught my attention. It is called the Higgs boson, or "the God Particle." In the way it was explained to me, the Higgs boson is a massless particle comprised of pure energy (read: string theory) that somehow causes things like quarks, electrons, protons and neutrons to have the property of mass. Supposedly, it is truly the smallest particle; its lack of mass makes it so that it does not have any smaller components that make it up. That means that every tiny particle that makes up the entire universe is completely suffused with... God.

That also means that such things as thoughts are divine, because they involve the interaction of particles in the nerves of the brain, through the movement of neurotransmitters and potassium and sodium ions, all of which are made up of hundreds of thousands of Higgs bosons.

Complex things such as music are as holy as the deity himself in that they involve so many different forms of the divine reality working in symphony (pun intended) to exist. First, the nerve impulses of the musician, then the movement of their holy muscles to the movement of the instrument, which produces vibrations that move through the air, knocking the gas particles together in patterns until they get to the human ear, a complex contraption in itself, from whence the human brain detects it through a series of nerve impulses, at which point conscious thought takes over, interpreting the sounds into a song, provoking thoughts of aesthetics and beauty, that are in themselves heavenly. All of these parts involve hundreds of trillions of Higgs boson particles.

This brings to mind extremely complicated questions as to the nature of consciousness. Are these not-particles self-aware? Do they have something to do with life and death? Maybe they are connected to the fact that all animals are born with knowledge: instincts. They are built into the animal’s genes based on the behaviors and such that worked for their parents and ancestors ad infinitum. Genes are made of sugars and phosphates and nucleotides, which are made of atoms, which are caused by our friend the boson.

Also a consideration is that maybe the parents aren’t the ones that give the instincts to their progeny- maybe it is the childrens’ own boson-thoughts coming back to them by way of the parents, such as when the mother eats when pregnant. She takes in material containing bosons, and those that were “part” of the child in a “past life” are integrated into the new child, along with those of millions of other beings, which allows them to process new information that enters the mind after birth. Therefore it appears that the environment molds who you become, on the physical and emotional level, from the time you are a zygote.

If everything is completely MADE of God, then does that mean we’re already IN heaven? Should we be like the aborigines and worship Mother Nature? [hail yea]
If exfoliation is us removing dead skin cells, then does that mean a hurricane is like Momma Nature taking a shower?

Obviously, should the Higgs boson be discovered and verified beyond any objective doubt, it would have enormous religious implications. Having “God” be “proven” as an object, omnipresent in all things, neither male nor female, would be a revelation for some religious sects, but for others it would be devastating. Here is a sampling of the possible reactions of modern religions.

Quakers and Shintos: HA! I TOLD YOU SO! Nature is God, balance is God, that of God in everyone! OH. I mean…love thy neighbor :)

Hindus- well um…we were kind of right, right? Technically…there is more than one god…right? And Reincarnation! BAM. I was once a heifer, I’m not taking this bull! (LOL)

Christians, Muslims, Jews- …shit. Well there goes everything.
Christians- does that mean Jesus WAS God and that he never left earth?
Muslims- that means so was Mohammad. Bitch.
Jews- and that means everyone you killed in the Crusades was also God.
All- God DAMMIT!

Wicca and Pagan- Well sure… Lots of Gods.

Scientologists- Cool.

Unitarian Universalists- AAAHAHAHAHA! There it is, right in our name! UNIVERSALISTS. AAAAHAHAHA!

Buddhists- well now that we know this much, I guess we’re ALL enlightened. Everyone is the Buddha. Huh.

Satanists- We’re based on Christianity, so we’re done… crap, no one goes to hell because hell is god…craaaap.

Communists- COMMON PROPERTY, bitches. That includes the hi-def TV in yo’ family room! That thing is GOD. And SO AM I. so hand it over. In the name of God, hand it over!
Everyone- But you don’t have a religion… And I’m God too.
Communists- Let me reiterate. I AM GOD. This IS SPARTA!
Everyone- o.0

So think about that for a bit. Let me know what comes up.



Co-Authored by AJ

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