Friday, February 12, 2010

A Canterbury Tale

Good Evening,

I apologize for the long space between now and my last entry. There was a temporal rift, and... long story short, I had no time. But now that I'm sitting here buried under two glorious two feet of crystalline oxygen dihydride, I feel that there is sufficient time floating around in my arena for me to give you all a decent post.

The truth is, I'm writing a story.

It's a fiction, though it is very rapidly morphing of its own accord into a science-fiction. I had absolutely no idea until last night just where the story was headed, and though I am still mostly in the dark, I do have one or two of the main plot points figured out (or at least started).

No, I will not be posting any teasers or any part of this story. Not, at least, until it is closer to having a point, or it is digitized, as it is currently written in pencil on about 2o double-sided sheets of lined paper. At the point at which these criteria are satisfied, I will consider posting it online, though it may be on one of my other sites, with a link posted here.

It is because of this story that I am writing this post. While I was flailing around my workspace with a pen trying to find places to write all of my rampant ideas down, I realized that I needed (and was clearly missing) information that will be vitally important to the universe I am endeavoring to create in this brainchild of mine. I am going to take a leap of faith here: I am going to ask you, my readers, for this information.

1: Have we (well, scientists) located and verified other planets in the local cosmos that have Earth-like properties?
2: Which stars are they near, if indeed they have been found?
3: Can a Blue Giant star have an Earth-like planet? How about a Red Dwarf? What type of star is the Sun?
4: Why do most Earth plants have green chlorophyll? Does it have something to do with the solar electromagnetic spectrum of light emission?
5: How important is it that hemoglobin be based on a transition metal? What is the connection between that metal and the composition of the planet the creature lives on (hypothetically speaking)?
6: Is it possible for a humanoid species to evolve without the presence of trees? I would think not...

If you have answers to any of these inquiries, please leave a comment on this blog, or send me a message on any of my other sites.

Oh, also, I'm on LiveJournal now, username "perpl3xity," though there is not much on there. I will probably only be using LJ as an outlet for any latent fangirlery... But if that interests you at all, don't hesitate.


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